What is Women Writing for a Change?
Women Writing for (a) Change, Jacksonville, is a growing community for Jacksonville and North Florida writers. We are here for one purpose:
To nurture and celebrate the individual voice
by facilitating supportive writing circles and
by encouraging people to craft more conscious lives
through the art of writing and the practices of community.
We honor creative writing in all forms at WWf(a)C: memoir, fiction, poetry, prose, essay, journaling, and non-fiction. Each semester we offer core writing classes, one-day workshops, and longer retreats. You don’t have to be an experienced writer to join the circle, although many experienced writers have benefitted from it. All are invited.
WWf(a)C Jacksonville is an affiliate site of Women Writing for (a) Change in Cincinnati. Since 1991, WWf(a)C has evolved into a powerful and empowering community of women and girls telling our stories. We are a diverse community of women creating change in ourselves and our worlds one truth, one voice at a time.
SHINE: A Feminine Perspective is an exhibit sponsored by Women Writing for (a) Change, Jacksonville, and curated by artist/attorney Deborah Reid, to shine the light on the diverse viewpoints of women in Jacksonville, using words, art, color, storytelling, and creative power.
In this show, we lift the expression of the feminine on a variety of topics: Nature, the Earth, global warming, the oppression and shaming of women, redefining our mythological journeys, preserving natural spaces, recycling and upcycling, the sex trade, external beauty, internal beauty, motherhood, and sisterhood. We are providing local women artists and writers a platform to allow this perspective to shine through.